Wow. A pleasantly unexpected sound from you. I'm only familiar with your synth based work. Nice!
Wow. A pleasantly unexpected sound from you. I'm only familiar with your synth based work. Nice!
You work that delay beautifully.
Why thank you! :D
Love the fade out!
Reminds me of the early part of Final Fantasy IX, though it's nothing like it.
When the bass comes in, you've got a bit of a Sabbath vibe going on. I dig it.
Lovelovelove Sabbath!!!
This a great jazzy beat.
Wow. I've really liked just about everything I've heard from you, but this takes the cake.
By far my favorite track so far. Fantastic!
This song made me completely space out.(in a good way)
Fantastic stuff.
Funny. What you all hear as peace, I hear as the moment of death.
The last thing you're able to hear is the whirring and buzzing of the machines that were helping to keep you alive.
For alas, you cannot defeat Death, you can only hope to hold it back for a short while.
i like ur review
Congrats on being chosen! You know I loves me some Buckethead!!!!
Thanks dude! Buckethead 4 LIFE!
I dig it. Really chill, and reminds me of some 90's stuff.(that's a compliment, by the way)
Llys Helig
Joined on 7/4/10